Dec 9, 2007


Hi, and welcome to this brand new blog. This blog is about us, the amazing human species and our absolutely fascinating ability to make our life more difficult than it needs to be. I have thought long and hard about whether to start a blog, what to write about and, perhaps most importantly, why to start a blog.

The thing is, clichee as it may seem, I want to make the world a better place. And as a psychologist, I am absolutely convinced that one way of achieving this goal is through producing better humans. But that depends inevitably on our ability to become better humans ourselves, and to teach our children to follow our footsteps. I don't claim to have found the ideal recipe for making people better, but I would like this blog to become a floor for discussions.

I believe that our happiness depends very much on the way we perceive the world, and this, in turn, depends on the attitudes we have regarding ourselves, others, the world, our past, present, future, jobs, friends, animals, global warming, you name it. And every day I meet people who, due to their dysfunctional attitudes, go through years of suffering, take medication and don't seem to be much better off. And then, I tell them things that seem so obvious to me - and probably to many others as well - and sometimes I manage to change their attitudes from mainly negative ones to more balanced worldviews, and - who would have thought! - they report feeling happier!

So this is what I have in mind. Sharing opinions and thoughts and seeking ways of improving ourselves. I hope you'll enjoy.

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